The Benefits of Healthy Eating: Cook Healthier, Eat Healthier

Healthy eating is a topic that everyone will pay attention to. If you want to have a bright mind, glowing skin and a slim body, healthy eating is crucial. There are many forms of healthy eating such as the Mediterranean diet, the ketogenic diet, the low-fat diet. All these diets share the principles of nutritionally balanced, and whole foods consumption.

According to the Healthy Eating Pyramid, grains should be consumed the most, along with vegetables and fruits. It also suggests a moderation of meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, while limits the consumption of salt, oil and sugar.

In order to achieve a balanced diet, it is recommended to use cooking methods that require low oil such as steaming, stewing, braising, simmering and blanching. Cooking method such as frying should be limited.

The benefits of Healthy Eating:

 as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, etc.) are rich in vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the human body to maintain the normal functioning. Moreover, the vitamins and antioxidants in fruits and vegetables can increase the number of antioxidants in the body, resist aging free radicals, and prevent wrinkles. In addition, a healthy diet can improve the body’s immunity and increase the body’s resistance to viruses.

  1. Reduce the Risk of Three Highs – hypertension, high cholesterol, high blood sugar

If a diet mainly consists of meat and carbohydrates, it will be too easy for us to consume excess fat and cholesterol, causing the three high problems. Healthy foods are rich in nutrients. For example, oatmeal is rich in soluble fibre, which helps lower cholesterol. A balanced diet can allow the body to absorb enough nutrients, combine with exercising moderately, it can maintain stable blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar.

  1. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Diet is one of the main causes of obesity. Processed foods are low in nutrient density but contain a lot of calories, sodium and fat, and lack sufficient vitamins. Replacing meat with fruits, vegetables and whole grains can provide satiety while consuming fewer calories.

Healthy Eating means Home Cooking

The first step in healthy eating is to cut down on eating out. Cooking your own food is the way for you to determine the type of food, portion, and cooking method.

Types of food: various fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, beans, eggs, natural seasonings (turmeric, black pepper, etc.).

Cooking method: You can choose oils containing unsaturated fatty acids such as avocado oil and olive oil for cooking. Cooking for too long or in too high temperature will result in the loss of nutrients. It is best to steam food with low heat to retain the original flavour and nutrients of the food.

Cook your own health meal with Saladmaster Medical Grade Cookware

316Ti cookware is made with medical grade Stainless Steel. Its density is 20 times higher than that of ordinary stainless steel, which makes it non-stick. This cookware can cook using the fat and moisture of the food; therefore, you can cook without adding water and oil. As a result, it can retain an average of 93% of nutrients, while reduce the risk of Three Highs and the accumulation of trans fats. Choosing the right cookware is essential to enjoy the benefits of a healthy diet. Saladmaster medical grade cookware can help you cook and eat healthier.

If you want to eat healthy, you must cook healthy first!

Cook for yourself with Saladmaster and start healthy eating

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