High Cholesterol – Beware of these Diet Traps

Cholesterol is a type of fatty polymer that is made by the liver. There are two types of cholesterol in the human body, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (commonly known as bad cholesterol) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (commonly known as good cholesterol). Bad cholesterol accumulates in the lining of blood vessels, while good cholesterol is responsible for transporting excess fat away. Both types of cholesterol are important for the normal functioning of the human body. The main factors that cause high cholesterol are from poor eating habits and lack of exercise.

The Problems of High Cholesterol 

If bad cholesterol is too high and good cholesterol is not enough, the excess cholesterol and triglycerides will accumulate on the inner walls of blood vessels. When this happens, it will not only narrow these blood vessels, but also cause occlusion in severe cases, which hinders blood circulation and causes cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery disease.

If you find yourself meeting several of the following conditions, you are likely to be in the high cholesterol group.

Eating Habit

Having an unhealthy eating habit can lead to high cholesterol. For example, too much saturated fat from meat, fried or too much trans-fat from processed food. These can increase bad cholesterol level.

Lack of Exercise

Sedentary and inactivity will reduce the level of good cholesterol. Good cholesterol is crucial for transporting the excess low-density lipoprotein back to the liver for metabolism.


Smoking will reduce the level of good cholesterol and increase the density of bad cholesterol, especially in women.


Both being overweight and obese can increase cholesterol levels.

Old Age

The liver’s ability to metabolize cholesterol gradually declines with age.

High Cholesterol is Harmful to our Body

When blood cholesterol is too high, it can lead to atherosclerosis, which increases blood pressure and increases the risk of arterial blockage. If the blood flow of the coronary arteries of the heart is insufficient or even blocked, it can cause angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and heart failure; insufficient blood flow to the brain can cause stroke; blockage of the arteries of the limbs can cause pain at the ends of the limbs, tissue hypoxia and necrosis which might result in amputation.

A Diet to Prevent High Cholesterol

Most people with high cholesterol have no obvious symptoms. A lot of the people only find out their cholesterol is too high when experiencing more serious physical abnormalities such as angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, stroke. Therefore, it is necessary to take precautions by adopting a healthy lifestyle and eating habits in order to effectively control blood cholesterol levels.

  1. Avoid eating food that contains high fat content, especially those with saturated fats (animal fats) and trans-fats (baked pastries).
  2. Consume food with rich cholesterol in moderation (offal, squid, cuttlefish, fish head, etc.). For egg yolk, it is recommended to have no more than 5 per week.
  3. Eat more food that is rich in fibre – Vegetable, fruit, whole grains and legumes.
  4. Avoid consuming too much sugar.
  5. Exercise regularly
  6. Control and maintain a healthy body weight
  7. Eat foods that can help lower cholesterol or improve heart health (such as barley, soy products, mushrooms, deep-sea fish, nut, etc.).

Beware of these High Cholesterol Diet Traps

The eating habits of Hong Kong people tend to be oily, salty, and strong in flavour. Many people with high cholesterol express that even they have controlled their diets and exercised moderately, their cholesterol levels are still high. In fact, there are many dietary traps lead to us consuming a lot of saturated fat without us noticing.

Trap 1: Using too much oil for stir-fry

Though home cooking is said to be healthier than eating out, people often add too much oil in order to achieve “wok hei” (to bring out more flavour from the food), and to prevent food from sticking to the pan. Steaming, boiling and braising are the recommended healthy cooking methods.

Trap 2: Drinking Broth

Everyone loves chicken broth and pork-bone broth. But they contain a high level of saturated fatty acid, which directly increases the cholesterol content in the blood. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of saturated fat.

Trap 3: Eating too much Meat

Cholesterol can only be found in animal products. Eating too much cholesterol-containing foods, such as egg yolks, fatty meat, offal, squid, and cuttlefish, will lead to an increase level of blood cholesterol.

Trap 4: Too much Sugar

Triglycerides are a type of fat found in the blood. They are responsible for transporting fat-soluble substances in the body and providing energy. Produced from the fat, sugar and alcohol in food such as alcohol, candies, desserts, bread, biscuits, etc. People with high triglycerides should also limit their fruit consumption.

A Diet to Lower Cholesterol

To lower cholesterol, one should avoid excessive intake of high-calorie foods. Limit the consumption of animal fats and food with a lot of saturated fat. It is also important to pay attention to the amount of cooking oil used when cooking, while control the intake of sweets, fruits, alcohol, etc. Leaner cuts of meat should be selected, while increase the intake of vegetables, fish, soy products, mushrooms, nuts and dairy products to ensure a nutritional balanced diet.

SmartCook Cookware Recommendation

Saladmaster 316Ti Medical Stainless-Steel Cookware

316Ti cookware is made with medical grade Stainless Steel, it does not react with high heat so it does not release harmful carcinogens during cooking process. Its density is 20 times higher than that of ordinary stainless steel, which makes it non-stick. This cookware can cook using the fat and moisture of the food; therefore, you can cook without adding water and oil. This helps reduce the risk of having fatty liver and fat accumulation, while preserves the nutrition and flavour of the food.

The 3-Zero Healthy Cooking Method of Saladmaster

Zero Water – 86 Degree Cooking

To prevent the loss of nutrients through cooking at a high temperature at 100℃, Saladmaster cooks your food at 86℃ without needing any water. It can retain an average of 93% of nutrients in food for our body to absorb.

Zero Oil – Cook with the natural Fat in Food

Using natural fat from the meat instead of cooking oil. This reduces the three highs health risk, also avoids the production of trans fats and carcinogens.

Zero Seasoning – Preserve Natural Flavour

Saladmaster’s cooking method can preserve the natural flavour from food, avoiding the use of chemical seasonings. This prevents the formation of chemical substances which might turn into toxins that might increase the burden on the liver and kidneys.

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