Food that makes your happy

Chocolate makes you feel good.


Why is that?


It turns out that your mood is related to hormones. Eating certain type of food can supplement certain kind of nutrition, which can help to maintain a happy mood.


Happy food is not limited to just chocolate. Although chocolate contains dopamine, its high sugar and high fat content will may lead to blockage of blood vessels. Therefore, it is recommended to limit its consumption. If you really cannot resist, a small piece of dark chocolate is recommended.



The 2 common types of hormones that affect our mood are:


1.     Dopamine


Dopamine is an amino acid. Human body cannot produce it, but we can get it from the protein and amino acids that produce it. Food such as bananas, dairy products, beans and other foods. Having enough sleep and maintain gut health can help the brain to preserve dopamine.




2.     Serotonin


Having a lack of serotonin can lead to fatigue, weakened immunity, reduced concentration, etc. Having enough serotonin in the brain is therefore so important.



Apart from having good eating habits, exercising regularly is also crucial. In terms of diet, as the human body uses tryptophan to produce serotonin, more tryptophan-rich foods should be consumed. For example: dairy products, salmon, lean meat, eggs and food rich in vitamin B6, B12, such as dark green vegetables, fish, etc.


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